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        - No cage time! Far less stressful.                - No re-circulated water.

We specialize in high frequency grooming.

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- Full size facility. No hookups required    - Since 2002

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Although relatively easy to maintain the Rhodesian Ridgeback still benefits from being groomed regularly. The coat is short, dense sleek and glossy in appearance lying close to the body and should not be woolly or silky. The Rhodesian Ridgeback should be bathed, have its nails trimmed, ears cleaned and brushed at least monthly.

 If home maintenance is done properly; full service grooming is recommended every 4 weeks, if not professional grooming is recommended at least every 1-2 weeks.

For more information on home maintenance grooming and equipment please
contact our groomer! Advice is always free.

Remember all cuts and grooming shown is to the customer’s specifications.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Grooming required rating - Low

Full service grooming required (with home  maintenance): At least every 4 weeks.

Full service grooming required (without home  maintenance): At least every 1-2 weeks.

Home maintenance required at least weekly.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Kelso and Munchie - Indian Hill - Ridgeback - Indian Hill

Chaka - Cincinnati Ridgeback -          Hoss - Indian Hill

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